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40+ Best Kodi Builds for Streaming Movies & TV Shows

This article lists the best Kodi Builds to use on Kodi devices like Firestick (4K Max, Lite), Fire TV Cube, Raspberry Pi, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Xbox One, etc.

Installing a Kodi Build is always better than installing an add-on because Build is a complete streaming package and contains many add-ons. Moreover, a Kodi Build has many options and settings for a personalized experience.

The top Kodi Builds offer everything including all genres of movies, TV shows, sports, and documentaries in one place. All of the Builds mentioned in this guide are lightweight, offer hundreds of movies and TV shows, Live TV, Web series, News, and Sports, and enable buffering free streaming.

The following list of best Kodi Builds is based on their features, performance, volume of content, and popularity. Undoubtedly, I am sure you will have a better streaming experience with these Builds.

Green Monster

Green Monster Kodi Build is from the Narcacist repository and is gaining popularity day by day. The Build has ultimate features like a beautiful interface, popular Kodi addons, etc. Another great point is integrating Green Monster Build with Real-Debrid to stream using Full HD high-quality links.

Like other Builds, Green Monster has many categories like TV Shows, Movies, Sports, Power, Debrid, System, Variety, Kids, etc. Green Monster Build has Kodi addons like Numbers, The Crew, Seren, Shadow, SkyNet, Asgard, Ghost, FEN, etc.

As per Virustotal and Any.run, the Green Monster repository is safe to use as there is no malware inside the repository.

How to install Green Monster Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2
Repository URLhttps://team-crew.github.io
Source: TheCrew Repository
Fresh Add-ons: VMAXX, Patriot, Homelander, The Crew, Rising Tides, Mega IPTV
Genre/Category: Sports, Live TV, Kids, Movies, Music, Stars, Variety, System


Halloween is a great Kodi Build that you install from the Doomzday repository. The Build has different categories, including movies, documentaries, TV shows, and sports that you can stream in HD.

In addition, the Build occupies a small size, around 24 MB, and has an easy-to-use UI. The top alternatives to Halloween Build are The Dark Knight, Flix-Mx, Sports101, The Munsters, Wild West, Midnight, etc.

How to Install Halloween Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2
Repository URL: https://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Wizard Repository

Wild West

Wild West is another Kodi 21.2 Build from the Doomzday Wizard, with a size of around 275MB. The Build is comparatively larger and has dozens of categories to stream movies and TV shows.

Also, the Wild West dashboard has well-arranged sections like Fen Trakt Library, My Trakt Library, My TV Shows, and My Movies. Overall, it is a good Build that has a friendly interface, an attractive layout, and a simple navigation theme.

How to install Wild West Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2
Repository URL: https://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Wizard Repository

Harley MC

Harley MC is the all-in-one Kodi Build that has an attractive yellow and blue color theme. There are a lot of categories and subcategories to stream movies, Live TV, sports, etc.

A user has options to stream videos in 720px, 1080px, 4K, and FHD video quality. This Build is perfect for users using Firestick 4K, Fire TV Cube, Android TV Box, Nvidia Shield, etc.

How to install Harley MC Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2
Repository URL: https://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Wizard Repository


It is the best sports Build that works with Kodi 21.2 and has many preloaded addons for streaming live sports. The Build is 251MB in size. Some of its top add-ons are Scrubs V2, FEN Lite, The Crew, Free99, Black Lightning, Seren, Umbrella, etc.

The Build belongs to the Doozday repository and has its brother Builds like Flix-Mx and Harley MC.

How to install Sports101 Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2 & 20
Repository URL: https://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Wizard Repository


Flix-Mx is an on-demand Kodi Build popular for watching live sports and has a great library of movies and live TV shows. In addition, the Build has a substantial size of 265MB.

Furthermore, you can download and install Build on your device quickly from Doomzday Wizard. The Build works well with Real Debrid and Trakt.

How to install Flix-Mx Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Wizard Repository


Midnight is a unique Kodi 21.2 Build available on the well-known Chains Build Wizard. Here, you can stream a wide variety of movies, TV shows, and live TV shows.

Although the Build is a third-party Kodi Build that is not available on the official Kodi repository, you can download it from the popular The Crew Repository. Some of the alternatives to Midnight Build are Xontrix, Cosmic One, KTV, Funflix, Funs Touch, etc.

How to install Midnight Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Wizard Repository


POVico is a fast-performing Build from 709 repositories for streaming all categories of movies and TV shows in high resolution. You can integrate Real Debrid with this Build and fetch the HD links.

The Build enables you to filter the content according to genre, year, premieres, and Trending categories.

How to install POVico Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://zaxxon709.github.io/repo
Source: 709 Repository


Xontrix is the popular Kodi Build from The Crew Repository and enables you to stream all entertainment categories, like movies, sports, TV shows, live TV, music, kids, etc.

In addition, the Build has many popular add-ons to stream your desired content, including Umbrella, Homelander, Ghost, The Loop, Chains, etc. The Build is easy to integrate with Real Debrid and Trakt.

How to install Xontrix Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository


KTV is the popular Build from the Chains Wizard that you can install from The Crew Repository. It is a lightweight Build with a size of 122MB and works on almost all streaming devices like Chromecast, Nvidia Shield, Firestick 4K, and Android TV.

Furthermore, it has a simple interface that helps to navigate through streaming sections quickly. Some of the best alternatives of KTV Build are Midnight, Chains, Franks, Funs Touch, Funs Xmas, etc.

How to install KTV Build

Works With: Kodi Omega & Nexus
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository

Cosmic One

Cosmic One is the next Build on the list of Kodi Builds from the Crew repository. It lets you stream almost all categories of movies, TV shows, and sports in 4K and HD video quality.

Additionally, the Build includes lots of preloaded addons, including Ezra, Alvin, The Crew, Genocide, etc. Though the Build offers good streaming quality content, integrating with Real Debrid and Premiumize will enable full HD videos.

How to install Cosmic One Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository

Funs Touch

Funs Touch is also a good Build that belongs to the Chains Wizard. It is a friendly Kodi Build that has lots of add-ons for streaming, like Coalition, The Crew, The Loop, Chains, Gratis, and Chains.

Top alternatives to Funs Touch Build are Midnight, Franks, Chains, Funs Xmas, Xontrix, etc. A great UI, an attractive layout, and a light color theme make this Build in demand.

How to install Funs Touch Build

Works With: Kodi 21.2
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository

Funs Xmas

Funs Xmas is also a great Kodi Build that offers streaming content without buffering. In addition, the Build contains lots of streaming categories related to movies, TV shows, documentaries, kids, music, etc.

Also, the Build has support to work with Real Debrid and Trakt. There are a lot of popular add-ons like Asgard, ESPN, The Crew, Nightwing, The TV App, Mad Titan, etc.

How to install Funs Xmas Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository


COAtastic is the well-known Build of Chains Build Wizard that can be installed through the Crew Repository. Like Halloween Build, it is a very small Build, that occupies a space of around 62MB.

On the main page of the COAtastic Build, you can find different sections, i.e., Live, Addons, Movies, Gratis, TV Shows, Favorites, etc. Overall, Build has a great interface to help you find your desired content quickly.

How to install COAtastic Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository

Game On

Game On is popular for streaming live sports and replays. Here, you can watch different sports categories like Football, Rugby, NHL, NFL, tennis, MLB, etc. This Build is perfect for watching sports on Firestick, Android, Windows, Linux, and iOS platforms.

Besides that, the Build has tons of working add-ons, i.e., Mad Titan, Asgard, Rising Tides, Endzone, and Centry. Moreover, the Build is safe to use and you can safely install the Build from the 709 repository.

How to install Game On Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi Omega & Nexus
Repository URL: https://zaxxon709.github.io/repo
Source: 709 Repository


Simplex is another Kodi Build for streaming high-quality movies and TV shows. You can easily find the Build on the CMaN Wizard and install it from the Wizard repository.

Additionally, Simplex Build provides a massive variety of content categories to stream, including kids, movies, sports, documentaries, news, live TV, and TV shows. Furthermore, some of the preloaded addons available on the Simplex Build are The Loop, EndZone, Asgard, Kodi Verse, and Homelander.

How to install Simplex Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi Nexus & Matrix
Repository URL: http://cmanbuilds.com/repo
Source: CMaN Wizard Repository

Klix Free

Klix Free is the best Kodi Build, providing high streaming links for different movies and TV shows. You can install Build easily on your device using the 709 Repository.

This repository also contains many other Builds including OneFlix, Serenity, Game On, Xlite, Klix, Arctic Rain, etc. Moreover, the Build also provides content from different streaming services like Apple TV+, Disney+, Netflix, HBO Max, and Hulu.

How to install Klix Free Build

Works With: Kodi Nexus & Matrix
Repository URL: https://zaxxon709.github.io/repo
Source: 709 Repository


Funflix is a non-debrid Kodi Build that has a large library for streaming movies, music, and TV shows. Here, you can find all genres of movies related to action, thrillers, drama, horror, adventure, sci-fi, animation, etc.

The Build is 245 MB in size and has ample high-quality streaming links for HD content. Moreover, Build offers you to stream content in multiple languages, like Spanish, English, French, German, etc.

How to install Funflix Build

Works With: Kodi Nexus & Matrix
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io
Source: The Crew Repository

Diggz Xenon

The Diggz Xenon Build is the best Kodi build because it can be installed and used on almost all streaming devices like Firestick (4K Max, Lite), Roku, Raspberry Pi, Android TV boxes, Mobile, or Windows. It has many features like Easy Navigation, a user-friendly interface, and moderate size, allowing users to buffer-free streaming.

The Build has an easy layout with the main menu and sub-menu panels on the main screen. The main menu offers various streaming categories like Movies, TV Shows, Kids Zone, Sports, Music, etc.

How to Install Diggz Xenon Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URL: http://diggz1.me/diggzrepo
Source: Diggz Repository
Fresh Add-ons: DaddyLive, Pluto TV, YouTube, Crackle, Samsung TV Plus, The Coalition, Scrubs V2, TheCrew, The TV App, Mad Titan Sports, Asgard4KRising TidesMagic Dragon, Falcon, Homelander, Aerial, TempTVSTIRRTubiTV
Genre/Category: TV Guide, Trakt, Xenon Plus, Movies, Sports, Music, Library

Cman & SG Builds

The CMan and SG Build is a great Kodi build from the CMan repository. It has several popular Kodi add-ons like Torque Lite, THX 1138, Quicksilver, BL Sport, Bolt, Fork-Q, Black Lightning, FTA Sport, Magic Dragon, Swift Streams, tvOne, and YouTube.

Streaming genres in the CMan Kodi Build include TV shows, movies, favorites, etc. CMan Build installs add-ons from the cMaN’s wizard repository. Some popular Cman Builds are Nitro 20, Prism, Simplex, House of Gratis, Onyx, cMan, cMaN Cyan, Rush, Transcendent 20, Resurrection 20, etc.

Popular SG Builds are Slidex, VueBlu, Vue, Morphic, Atom, Pulse, Enzo, Metfluence, Emblue, Basix, Carbonik 20, Oxy 20, Notflix 20, Base, Flix, etc.

How to Install CMan Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 19.5 Matrix – Kodi Omega
Repository URLhttp://cmanbuilds.com/repo
Source: CMan Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Shadow, Odin, Homelander, Kodiverse
Genre/Category: Kids, Sports, Music, Movies, TV Shows


BMC (Badazz Media Center) wizard is a great Build with an attractive user interface and working add-ons because it has different sections to explore, like TV Shows, Sports, Movies, Kids Club, Sports Zone, TV Guide, Wolf Fam, The Sounds, and Cool Stuff. This Build belongs to Where The Monster’s Live Repository.

Here, you can find various Kodi add-ons like Wolfpack, FEN, Kingdom, Rising Tides, The Loop, Venom, Magic Dragon, Catch Up TV, Seren, Sportowa TV, etc. Moreover, you can install the Kodi Build on Android TV, Firestick (Lite, 4K, Max), and Mac devices. 

How to Install BMC Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix – Kodi Omega
Repository URL: https://www.midian.appboxes.co/repo

Source: Where the Monster Lives Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Rising Tides, Catch Up TV, TV One, The Loop, Seren, Apex Sports, Sport HD, Sportowa TV, Aliunde Plus, Kodiverse, Mad Titan Sports
Genre/Category: Kids Club, TV Shows, TV Guide, Sports Zone, Wolf, The Sounds, Movies

No Limits Magic Build

No Limits Magic Build is the top Build for Kodi because it is the most downloaded Build in 2024 and has many working Kodi add-ons like Magic Dragon, cCloud TV, Champion Sports, Covenant, DC Sports, Death Streams, SportsDevil, UK Turk Playlists, etc.

How to install No Limits Magic Build

Works With: Kodi 18 Leia Only
Repository URLhttps://www.nolimitswiz.appboxes.co
Source: No Limits Wizard
Fresh Add-ons: Black Lightning, The Crew, Patriot, Chains, Magic Dragon, Shadow, Asgard
Genre/Category: Sports, Live TV, Heroes, Kids, Horror, System, Music, Grit, Free Stuff, TV Shows, Doc Spot, Real Debrid, Movies, After Dark

DoomzDay Wizard

DoomzDay Kodi Wizard has lots of Kodi Builds that you can install in a single click. These Builds offer high video quality streaming add-ons for Movies, Shows, Live TV, Sports, Kids, Documentaries, etc. Builds from this wizard work on all kinds of Kodi-compatible devices, including Firestick (Lite, Max, 4K) and Android TV Boxes.

Some of its popular Builds are Endura, Smokin, Nova, Aspire, Kev’s Angels, Simplex, and Easy Rider. Overall, Doomzday is a great Kodi Build, constantly updated and well-maintained, and you must try it once.

How to Install Doomzday Build

Works With: Kodi 19.1 – 19.5 Matrix – Kodi Omega
Repository URLhttps://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Fights on Demand, Centry Sports, Homelander, Scrubs V2, The Crew, Apex Sports, The Loop, TV One, Rising Tides, Asgard, Magic Dragon
Genre/Category: Settings, 1 Clicks, The Oath, Favorites, Live TV, Revolution, Sports, Movies, TV Shows, Debrid 4K, Documentaries, Music, Allstars, Family, Free Zone

Misfit Mods

Misfit Mods has an attractive layout and offers free streaming Music, TV Shows, Sports, Live TV, On-demand Movies, Audio, and Kids’ Shows.

This Build has excellent add-ons like The Magic Dragon, DeathStar, TheCrew, SportsDevil, TempTV, Scrubs, Rising Tides, etc. It has an elegant, well-organized, user-friendly interface and a UI with light graphics, making it the best Kodi Build for Firestick (4K, 4K Max, Lite) Android devices.

The menu bar and submenu bar are tied to the top corner; however, the bottom section of the Build is occupied with the add-ons. Most of all, it is well-maintained and regularly updated by the developers.

I have not seen anything going wrong with the Kodi Build, and it is clear why we have included this in the best Builds list. Misfit Mods Kodi build does not work with Kodi 20 when you try to access the repository, you get an error “could not connect to repository”.

How to Install Misfit Mods Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix Only
Repository URLhttp://misfitmods.com/mmwiz/repo
Source: Misfitmods Repository
Fresh Add-ons: The Crew, DeathStar, The Loop, Chain Reaction, Rising Tides, Scrubs, Limitless, Seren, Endzone, TempTV, Kodiverse
Genre/Category: Kids Zone, TV Shows, Library, Movies, Real Debrid, TV Shows, Sports, Music

DaButcher Wizard

Most of the Builds in DaButcher Wizard require integration of Real Debrid. Currently, on Kodi 21.2, there is only a single Build that is Chameleon Build which works without Real Debrid integration.

However, the DaButcher Wizard has many Kodi Builds that are rich and lightweight. Dabutcher Builds are unique and have a fresh-looking interface.

Dabutcher Builds works on all Kodi devices like Firestick (4K, Max, Lite), PCs, Raspberry Pi, Roku, Smartphones, tvOS, etc. Currently, there are limited Builds like Chameleon, Dabs Shield, and Otto Lite.

How to Install DaButcher Build

Works With: Kodi (Omega, Nexus, Matrix)
Repository URLhttp://dabutcher.org/repo
Source: Dabutcher Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Loop, Mad Titan Sports, The Crew, Kodiverse, TV One
Genre/Category: System, Sports, Movies, 1 Clicks, TV, Favorite, Favorites

Hard Nox

The Hard Nox is the best Kodi Build from the Misfit Mods Repository, which offers the best streaming Kodi add-ons, including the Misfit Mods Wizard, Magic DragonFEN, Apocalypse 720, etc.

Movies, TV FanFavs, Music, Fitness, 24/7 Content, Popular Content, TV Shows, Kids, and Horror are the streaming categories you can easily access from the home screen. The unique thing about Hard Nox Build is its attractive look.

How to Install Hard Nox Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix Only
Repository URLhttp://misfitmods.com/mmwiz/repo
Source: Misfit Mods Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Lightning, Black, Chains, The Crew, Patriot, Magic Dragon, Shadow, Asgard
Genre/Category: Sports, Free Stuff, Horror, Music, Kids, Grit, Movies, Heroes, TV Shows, Doc Spot, After Dark


GlooM is a Kodi Build from the Funsters Wizard that allows you to watch high-quality VoD content, including 4K and FHD.

Funsters Wizard has a great collection of Kodi Builds and is a great resource for installing the Builds. Besides that, its top genres are Sports/Live, TV Shows, Add-ons, Movies, and Search.

How to install GlooM Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix Only
Repository URLhttps://funstersplace.net/funs
Source: Funsters Place Repository
Genre/Category: Movies, Settings, Auth Trakt, TV Shows, Sports/Live, Add-ons, Search


Smokin is a good Kodi Build from the Dabutcher repository because it has proper navigation and an easy-to-use UI. Some of its top add-ons are TheCrew and TheOath.

These video addons are Maverick TV, Yoda, and Supremacy. There are different sections, viz.1-Clicks, Favorites, TV, Movies, and Sports.

How to install Smokin Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URLhttp://dabutcher.org/repo
Source: Dabutcher Repository
Fresh Add-ons: The Oath, The Crew
Genre/Category: Power, Apps, TV Shows, Movies, TV/Sports, System

Atomic Matrix

It is the latest Kodi Build from the Misfit Mods repository. This repository has other popular Kodi Builds like Hard Nox and Misfit Mods Lite. Apart from that, it has many genres to stream, including TV series and movies.

In addition, some of the quality add-ons of the Build are Asgard, The Boys, Alvin, and, TheOath.

How to install Atomic Matrix Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix Only
Repository URLhttp://misfitmods.com/mmwiz/repo
Source: Misfit Mods Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Magic Dragon, Mad Titan Sports, The Crew, Rising Tides, The Loop, Seren, Kodiverse, Alvin
Genre/Category: Real-Debrid, TV Series, Sports, System, Music, Movies, Kids, Library, Power


Grindhouse Wizard Kodi Build has a new and impressive library of content and categories. It works with both the Kodi Omega and Nexus. It has the best Kodi video add-on collection, including Magic Dragon, Aeon Nox, etc. Because of its several collections of quality Kodi Builds, it works great on iOS, macOS, tvOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi.

How to Install Grindhouse Build

Works With: Kodi Omega
Repository URLhttp://grindhousekodi.us/repo
Source: Grindhouse Repository
Fresh Add-ons: The Red Queen, Magic Dragon, Aeon Nox, Asgard, Patriot, Black Lightning, Numb3r5
Genre/Category: Sports, TV Shows, AIO, System, Movies, Documentaries, TV, Favourites


CrewNique is the best Kodi build because of its top streaming categories like Movies, Kids, TV Shows, Sports, and Ghosts. Moreover, these streaming categories contain top-class high-quality content.

You can get this build from the TheCrew repository using the URL https://team-crew.github.io. Most of all, this Build supports Real Debrid, a premium streaming service.

Works With: Kodi Nexus – Omega
Repository URL: https://team-crew.github.io

Source: TheCrew Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Gratis, Purely Wrestling, Daddylive, Ghost TV, Chain Reaction, The Crew, TV One
Genre/Category: Movies, Ghost, Chains, Non-Debrid, TV Shows, Apps, Favourites, IPTV, Sports, Power, Movies, System

Nova TV

Nova TV is another best Kodi Build that belongs to one of the popular Kodi repositories, i.e., the Doomzday repository. Like other Kodi Builds, Nova TV Build works well on Firestick (Lite + 4K), Mac, iOS, Kodi Boxes, and other supported devices.

The bad news is that Nova TV Build does not work with Kodi Nexus. When you try to install this Build, you will get the error “Invalid zip URL”. However, it works on Kodi 19 Matrix perfectly. For getting HD links, you may integrate Real-Debrid on Kodi.

How to install Nova TV Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix only
Repository URLhttps://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Twisted, The Crew, Ghost TV, Live Net TV, Torque Lite, Replay Me, Asgard, Scrubs V2
Genre/Category: Movies, TV Shows, System, Debrid/4K, Sports AU, Music, Sports 1, Free Movies, For Her, Family, Live TV, Nova TV, Wizard, Apps, Weather, Power, My Library, Kids, Settings, Wizard


Aspire is the best Kodi Build that belongs to the Doomzday Repository. You can find content genres like Movie Hub, Net Free, All-Stars, TV Guide, Kidz, TV Room, and Sports here. Moreover, this Kodi Build works with top add-ons like DejaVu, Numbers, Chains Sinisters, Rising Tides, and Asgard.

How to Install Aspire Kodi Build

Works With: Kodi 19 Matrix Only
Repository URLhttps://doomzdayteam.github.io/doomzday
Source: Doomzday Repository
Fresh Add-ons: Live Net TV, Halcyon, Homelander, Seren, Asgard, The Crew, Twisted TV, Ghost TV, Rising Tides, Scrubs V2
Genre/Category: Family, Debrid, Sports, Music, Home, Free Movies, TV, System, Live TV, Wizard, Free TV, Favorites, Kids, Addons

Stream Safely with Kodi Builds

To stay safe on Kodi, you should adhere to the following points:

Use a Good VPN

Privacy is of utmost importance and if you love to protect your privacy then my advice is to use a VPN. Some people believe that VPN protects us from malware but it is just a myth. Rather, removing geo-restrictions and end-to-end encryption are two important roles that a VPN plays.

Moreover, any third party or hacker may steal your personal information by launching an MITM attack. Therefore, when you use a VPN with Kodi, all your traffic goes through the encrypted tunnel, making it impossible for anyone to intercept it.

Scan your device

Scanning the device before and after downloading a Kodi Build with good Antivirus software is a good habit.

In that case, the antivirus will prevent the Kodi Build from carrying out malicious activity on your device. Scanning your device with an antivirus will quarantine the malicious files a Kodi Build may contain.

Clean Up Kodi Periodically

Periodically, you must clean the Kodi cache and unwanted files that an uninstalled Build or Addon might leave in Kodi. Such unwanted files slow down the Kodi and may contain malware.

Always go for a Fresh Installation

Whenever you install a Kodi Build or Addon, you should install a fresh copy because files may conflict, which may prevent the Kodi from functioning properly.

Moreover, resetting the Kodi before installing any Kodi Build frees the space on your device, and Kodi works smoothly.

Are Kodi Builds Legal to Use?

No, Kodi Builds are not illegal. However, streaming copyrighted content using a Kodi Build without consent or subscription is illegal. Hence, we always advise using a VPN for streaming on Kodi that protects your privacy.

How can I Use Kodi?

You can use Kodi on different devices/platforms like Windows, Linux, Android, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Firestick, Raspberry Pi, etc. Installing and using Kodi is very simple. We have written a detailed guide on using Kodi; you may refer to that.

Are Kodi Builds Safe to Use?

Yes, most of the popular Kodi Builds are safe to use. However, it would be best if you always scan the Build repository before installing it on your Kodi device viz. Firestick, Android TV Box, Raspberry Pi, etc.

Does a Kodi Build Work on All Kodi Devices?

Yes, Kodi Builds works on almost all Kodi devices like Firestick, Google Chromecast, IPTV, Android TV Boxes, PC, Phones, Raspberry Pi, etc.

How Can I Download a Kodi Build?

You should prefer downloading the Kodi Builds from Kodi’s official website. To download a Kodi Build, you should know the repository path of that Build and follow the process of installing a Build/Addon.

James is the Co-founder of VPNHACKS.COM. He is a streaming geek and a privacy expert. James streams over different devices like Firestick, Kodi, Roku, Shield, Boxes, Google Chromecast, and Apple TV. IPVanish VPN is his favourite VPN for streaming. You can contact him on LinkedIn. more...

8 thoughts on “40+ Best Kodi Builds for Streaming Movies & TV Shows”

  1. Your page is really updated. I found Updated Builds seriously on this page. All of these builds work with Kodi 19.4. It is really hard. But you regularly update this. Kudos!

  2. Cheers!!…Great article…Hope the Python Upgrade to all Kodi builds gets done soon. Come on Developers!!!

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