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Fight Club addon: Installation on Kodi Nexus

This article provides information about how to install the Fight Club addon on Kodi Nexus. These installation steps are the same for every streaming device like Android, PC, Mac, Firestick, Linux, Roku, Chromecast, etc.

Fight Club is one of the best add-ons to stream combat sports like wrestling, boxing, MMA, AEW, UFC, RAW, NXT, PPV, and SmackDown. Additionally, a noted point about the addon is that it is essential to enter a PIN code before streaming content on the Fight Club addon.

This PIN code is accessible only for 24 hours; after that, you have to generate it again. Moreover, you can download and install the addon quickly through the Stream Army repository.

Installation Steps

Enable Unknown Sources

First, open the Settings icon available on the Kodi Home page.

Click on Settings icon

Inside it, tap on the last option, System.

Choose the System icon

Put the cursor on the left-side Addons tab and turn on the Unknown Sources mode.

Turn on the Unknown source mode

The page shows a popup window, click Yes and move ahead.

Tap the Yes button

Add Media Source and Repository

Go to the previous Settings screen and select the File Manager option.

Click on File manager

It shows Add source option; tap on it.

Add source for Stream Army repo

Choose the blue highlighted tab <None>.

Hit None to enter the Stream Army repo URL

Type the following URL here http://streamarmy.co.uk/repo and hit the OK button.

Enter Stream Army repo URL and tap OK

Click on the enter the media source label.

Click on media source label

Here, change the source name to stream army. Thereafter, check all the entries again and press the OK key.

enter source name stream army and click OK to save all details

Your media source folder, stream army successfully saved on the File Manager screen.

stream army media folder saved on File manager screen

Install from Zip File

Go back to the Kodi Settings page, and this time select the Add-ons option.

Choose Add-ons icon

Click on Install from zip file.

Open Install from zip file

Choose the stream army media folder.

Select the stream army media folder

Select the repository.StreamArmy zip file.

Tap on the Stream Army repo zip file

Wait for the installation message Stream Army Addons Add-on installed on the screen.

Stream Army Addons Add-on installed successfully

Install from Repository

Now, go with next option, Install from repository.

Select Install from repository

Select the Stream Army Addons from here.

Choose Stream Army Addons

Install Fight Club Addon

Tap on Video add-ons.

Select Video add-ons

Scroll down and select the Fight Club addon.

Click on the Fight Club addon

Hit the Install key.

Choose the Install key

Tap on the OK button that appears on the prompt screen.

Click OK

Wait until the Fight Club Add-on installed message is displayed on the screen.

Fight Club addon installed successfully

These are the proper steps to install the Fight Club add-on on Kodi.

Final Words

Finally, we have installed the Fight Club addon on Kodi Nexus step by step. Install the addon on your Firestick 4K, Max, or Lite, and let us know if you face any errors during installation.

James is the Co-founder of VPNHACKS.COM. He is a streaming geek and a privacy expert. James streams over different devices like Firestick, Kodi, Roku, Shield, Boxes, Google Chromecast, and Apple TV. IPVanish VPN is his favourite VPN for streaming. You can contact him on LinkedIn. more...

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