Home » Kodi » Sportowa TV Kodi addon: How to Install on Firestick

Sportowa TV Kodi addon: How to Install on Firestick

In this guide, we will install Sportowa TV Kodi addon on Firestick 4K, Max, Lite, Fire TV Cube, Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Sheild, Chromecast, etc.

Sportowa TV addon is the clone of the previously shutdown addon SportsDevil and is the best sports Kodi addon.

It contains different streaming sections, including SportsBay, LiveLooker, and LiveTV.sx, Sport365 Live, TVP Sport, Strims World, Crickfree, LiveSport.ws, live channels, and TVCOM.

In addition, all the content in the section is well arranged, which helps you quickly search for your desired content.

Moreover, you can’t find this addon on the official repository, so you have to install it through the third-party mbebe repository.

Installation Steps

Enable Unknown sources

Navigate to the Kodi Home page and select the middle icon, Settings.

Click on Settings

As you tap on it, it shows a list of tabs; click on the last tab, System.

Open System tab

Now, go to the Addons tab and slide on the Unknown Sources key.

Turn on Unknown sources

It contains a popup screen; click Yes to agree with it.

Hit Yes

Add Media Source Repository and URL

Press the backspace key to go to the Kodi Settings window and open the File Manager icon.

Select File manager

Here, tap on the Add source option.

Add source for mbebe repo

Choose <None> to enter the new media source and repository URL.

Tap on None

Type the following URL here: https://mbebe.github.io/blomqvist and click OK.

Type the mbebe repo url

Go to the below section add the media source name, Blomqvist, and press OK.

Enter mbebe repo source blomqvist

Confirm the repository URL and media source are exactly the same as required, and hit the OK button.

Click OK

On the File Manager screen, you can see the media source folder, Blomqvist.

blomqvist source added

Install from Zip File

Again, navigate to the Settings page and choose the Addons tab.

Click on Addons

Here, you find the Install from zip file option; tap on it.

Choose Install from zip file

Select the media source: Blomqvist.

Choose the source blomqvist

Now, select the repository.mbebe.zip file.

Tap mbebe repo zip file

Wait for a few seconds until you see the mbebe Add-on installed notification on your screen.

Wait for mbebe addon repo installation

Install from Repository

Choose the Install from repository option.

Select Install from repository

Now, click on the mbebe repository.

Choose mbebe repo

Install Sportowa TV Addon

Select Video add-ons.

Open Video addons

Inside it, you can look for a variety of add-ons. Here, select the Sportowa TV add-on.

Choose Sportowa TV addon

Hit the Install key.

Select the Install button

An additional add-on prompt will appear on the screen; click OK to agree with it.

Hit OK key

The Sportowa TV addon installation process starts; wait for its completion.

Sportowa TV addon installed on the screen

Launch Sportowa TV Addon

Again, click on the Sportowa TV addon.

Click on Sportowa TV addon

Tap the Open key.

Hit the Open key

Click OK shows on the prompt screen.

Click Yes to download the addon

Sportowa TV addon appears with different streaming sections.

Sportowa TV dashboard appears

Final Words

I hope the guide will clear up all your doubts about how to install the Sportowa TV addon. Besides that, if you have any questions regarding the Sportowa TV addon, feel free to ask them in the section box.

James is the Co-founder of VPNHACKS.COM. He is a streaming geek and a privacy expert. James streams over different devices like Firestick, Kodi, Roku, Shield, Boxes, Google Chromecast, and Apple TV. IPVanish VPN is his favourite VPN for streaming. You can contact him on LinkedIn. more...

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